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Ryan Abramson, Why I Volunteered at the Polls in the November 2024 Bucks County Elections

Dec 2, 2024

5 min read




Update: December 2024 Final Poll Totals from Bucks County.

As someone with a deep commitment to community engagement, I felt a calling to participate in the November 2024 Bucks County Elections. Yes, Ryan Abramson, who votes by mail wanted to spend the day working the polls. When I heard that the county needed additional help at the polling stations, I didn’t hesitate to sign up. I ended up at an elementary school in Levittown, Pennsylvania, ready to serve my community and ensure a safe, smooth, and secure voting process. In Bucks County, ensuring every voice counts is a priority, and I wanted to be a part of that.

Preparing for the Day as a Bucks County Poll Worker - More than just getting a "Ryan Abramson" Name Sticker

Before heading out, I made sure to prepare for what I knew would be a long and active day. Comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes were a must, as was dressing in layers—our location fluctuated between warm and cold as the day progressed. I brought my own food, including sandwiches, water, and snacks, though our team did have coffee and snacks available. We had the option to take a break or order food if we needed it, but I found that I preferred staying at my station throughout the day.

Our polling place was incredibly accommodating. We had easy access to restrooms, which was essential with all the handwashing needed after sharing pens, iPads, and other items with hundreds of voters. Our team was able to handle even the busiest times quickly and efficiently. Although we had only two iPads and two ballot scanners, we moved voters through with ease, balancing efficiency with patience so that no one felt rushed.

Learning the Roles and Safeguards in Bucks County Elections

The team working alongside me had years of experience, including the Judge of Elections, the Majority and Minority Inspectors, the Clerks, and the Republican and Democratic poll watchers. Each role is vital to keeping the election process transparent and fair. The Judge of Elections oversaw everything, ensuring that every situation was handled according to state and county guidelines. The Majority and Minority Inspectors worked together to create a bipartisan approach that strengthened security.

With the help of my team, I learned every role in our precinct, from signing in voters and processing provisional ballots to explaining election rules to the public. The Bucks County Elections system involves much more than simply operating machines; it’s a coordinated effort by many people, each committed to an honest and accurate voting process.

Ensuring Election Security: A Top Priority in Bucks County

Election security was top of mind, and I saw firsthand the extraordinary safeguards in place to protect every vote. Nothing in our polling station was connected to the internet, eliminating any potential for interference. Voting machines were locked and sealed, while ballots were stored securely in pouches. Bucks County’s election process includes both machine and paper backups, providing a double layer of verification to ensure accuracy.

The checks and balances in place within the Bucks County Elections process are extensive and meticulously designed. Each role is separate and specialized, making it nearly impossible for anyone to interfere with the process. Additionally, the workers come together only on Election Day, meaning there’s no chance for collusion or bias. Our system is designed to ensure fair, secure, and accurate elections.

Navigating the Bucks County Voting System

One feature of Pennsylvania's voting system that voters seemed to appreciate is the use of paper ballots that are scanned before leaving the polling area. The process was simple and accessible, allowing people to visually confirm their votes as they were scanned. This immediate confirmation gave voters confidence in the security of their ballots. We saw people of all ages—seniors, first-time voters, and everyone in between—appreciating this transparent and user-friendly system.

The "I Voted" stickers were an unexpected highlight of the day. From first-time voters to seniors who had participated in decades of elections, nearly everyone took one before leaving. It was heartwarming to see how a small sticker symbolized such pride in participating in the democratic process.

Training for the Bucks County Elections

I signed up at the last minute, and I’m grateful that Bucks County made the training accessible and straightforward. I got an email that said, "Ryan Abramson, it is time to do your poll worker training." The online training was comprehensive and provided everything I needed to know, from managing ballots to assisting citizens with unique needs. I was especially impressed by the training module developed in partnership with Woods Services, a special needs facility in Bucks County, which helped me feel prepared to assist every voter who came through the door.

Interestingly, I discovered halfway through the day that this was a paid position. I had missed this detail entirely when signing up—my goal was to contribute to the democratic process rather than earn a paycheck. Nonetheless, it was reassuring to know that Bucks County values and compensates the hard work poll workers put into making elections run smoothly. A couple of bucks in the Ryan Abramson pocked it not such a terrible thing.

Ryan Abramson Bucks County Election
Photo: Wix

Working with an Amazing Team

Despite being a newcomer, the other election workers welcomed me warmly and patiently guided me through the day. They taught me the ins and outs of each role, and I couldn’t have been more impressed by their professionalism and dedication. Every question that arose was handled carefully, with team members double-checking to ensure accuracy. Their expertise and willingness to follow the rules down to the smallest detail were inspiring, and it was clear that every person on our team cared deeply about their work. The camaraderie we developed during those long hours was something special, and I’m proud to have been part of such a dedicated group.

A Diverse and Engaged Community of Voters

The voters who came through our polling station represented a true cross-section of Bucks County’s community. Young and old, from all backgrounds, they arrived ready to participate in the democratic process with pride and enthusiasm. Some voters moved through the process quickly, while others took their time, carefully reviewing each option before casting their votes. It was an inspiring sight that underscored the importance of our work in making voting accessible and smooth for everyone.

Closing Out the Day: Tallying the Votes in Bucks County

At the end of the night, our entire team gathered to tally the vote for our precinct. The process was thorough, involving four individual tabulators who checked, double-checked, and triple-checked each other’s work to ensure every vote was counted accurately. Poll watchers were present and had the option to ask questions at any point. However, our station ran smoothly without any issues requiring discussion, which was a testament to the commitment and professionalism of our team.

Ryan Abramson Bucks County Election Volunteer 2024
Photo: Ryan Abramson

Looking Forward to Future Bucks County Elections

Reflecting on my experience, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride - Yes, I loved my Ryan Abramson Election Worker Sticker! Volunteering as a poll worker reminded me of the vital role each person plays in maintaining the integrity of our elections. Bucks County Elections have created a secure, organized, and accessible system that guarantees every vote counts, and I’m honored to have contributed to that effort. I’m already looking forward to volunteering again in future elections, and I encourage anyone who cares about their community and democracy to consider joining the team.

Dec 2, 2024

5 min read





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